So last month

In physics, last month had a few small cute news from space (which you can read about here).

In personal, last month had an enriching annual leave trip to Athens and a colourful return to Kuala Lumpur. It also brought online a short paper which I had the joy of writing — about “Elementary Particle Masses and Benford’s Law” (pdf here). Thinking of it, I could as well write a short blog post summarizing it…

It also brought an opinion piece about “The Wormhole Fiasco“. Boy, should I summarize this one. Theoretical physics has been in an epistemological crisis, and it unfortunately has dire consequence for the public perception of science; escalating the crisis to bad media coverage isn’t helping. If you feel like re-reading the last sentence in a less serious tone, click to the piece.

And, like I also wrote here last month, you should clearly start following The Ph-word’s young Instagram account, which I finally plan to get on air this month.

A scandalist under the athenian sun.

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