The latest in Ph-word: January ’23

Another month, another post written by ChatGPT and me. (I wrote the post, ChatGPT rewrote it in the style of noir detective stories, I corrected a couple of conceptual mistakes, you read it.)

φ mesons cast a dark shadow over the subatomic realm

The events of the month, conjured from the imagination of Dall-e Mini.

The RHIC, a hulking monstrosity of steel and wires located deep within the heart of Brookhaven Laboratory, was a machine built to plumb the mysteries of the universe. With every smash of gold nuclei, it aimed to unravel the secrets of the strong nuclear force.

But it wasn’t just a brute force machine, no sir. There was a strange elegance to its operation, a poetry in its movements that captivated the scientists who worked its controls. And yet, despite its beauty, the people of the RHIC were about to uncover something truly bizarre.

They found that a particle known only as the φ meson, a strange creature made of what was called a strange quark and a strange antiquark, defied explanation.

When the RHIC smashed its gold, a tempest of particles was unleashed, and from the chaos emerged the φ’s with a surprising secret. They had a proclivity for a singular spin direction that they favored above all else. No one could explain why.

Some whispered it was the strong nuclear force acting in chaotic ways, while others merely shrugged and said they’d have to wait and see. The turbulence of particles swirled around them, and the RHIC continued its relentless pursuit of knowledge. But one thing was for certain – the φ mesons had become the latest enigma in a long line of puzzles that the RHIC sought to solve.

JWST’s first play in the great game (of exoplanetary detection)


The James Webb Space Telescope made its mark on the cosmos, unearthing its first exoplanetary discovery. As fate would have it, the newly discovered world known as “LHS 475 b”, at 41 light years away, bore a striking resemblance to our own. Nearly identical in size, with a rocky terrain to match, this celestial body spun with a curious rhythm. In a mere two Earth days, it completed a full rotation around its host star.

The ‘scope’s brilliance shone through as it was able to confirm its observations with just two fleeting glimpses during transit, a feat of astronomical proportions utilizing the time-honored technique of measuring the dip in a star’s light. The discovery marked a seminal moment in the annals of exoplanetary exploration.

Listen up, pal. You got a hankerin’ for the shadowy side of things, the dark underbelly of knowledge? The kinda intel that ain’t for the faint of heart, but only for those tough enough to handle it. Well, if you’ve got the guts, then join the mailing list. Once a month, you’ll get a reminder straight from the shadows, with links to the stuff they don’t want you to know. The Ph-word posts, if you catch my drift. But be warned, this ain’t no Sunday picnic. You’re playing with fire. Think you can handle it?

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