Everyone who has been thinking about extraterrestrials for five minutes straight without involving fantasies of abduction has certainly wondered “why don’t we see any signs of them?” Estimations say that it’d be within reason to expect thousands of civilizations in…
Category: serendipity
A useful graph circulated one year ago – so, April the 1st. It might seem cryptic at first. But it is simply a collection of some of the supersymmetric particles that ought to have been discovered in the last decades,…
Fast radio bursts are one of the outstanding celestial mysteries. As was written here last month, these super-energetic flashes have been puzzling everyone who cares enough since 2007 when the first one was detected. However, a few which were found…
After scientific bets involving Stephen Hawking, now is the turn of bets involving susy.
Do you wonder if scientists ever place bets on their favourite theories? Of course they do. A lot. Actually two types of bets have been so frequent that each deserves its own “serendipity”.
Writing about physics should probably also concern itself with debunking fake science. Unfortunately we are busy with this again.