Livin’is easy

Back to ph-blogging after a few months, with the April-May-June news found here. It might or might not be a coincidence that this happened after the academic year was over; I honestly don’t know.

In the meantime, the quasi-irregular post with books the blogger finished recently also made its appearance. As always, be warned that clicking it will give you more info about the blogger than about the actual books.

I’d call life in Kuala Lumpur over the last months interesting and rich (figuratively). That is, have I not been constantly nagged by the worst events in human history happening all that time in other corners of this weird planet. The last personal post was written eight months ago, and it still represents the vibe.

In other, if you’re reading this post and reading that far, then you should clearly start following The Ph-word’s young Instagram account, which I finally plan to get on air this month.

Ph-blogging like a boss (or like a tourist in Athens).

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