Last month had some small and rather cute Ph-news. Read about them here.
In personal news, all the hours I spend on Google Flights at least turned into something useful, as I found very cheap weekend tickets to Milano. Combined with a free night I had from hotel booking sites, this helped materialize the greek expression “I’ll hop to Europe for a coffee”. (Fun cultural fact: western Europe is often called “Europe” in Greece; looking at a map can start explaining why.) Milano gave me the impression of a pleasant place to live at.
Still in personal news, I spent a week half-down with covid-19. I think I caught it during a date that didn’t turn into anything but, hey, it helped get over with this and now have both vaccination and recovery certificates.
A reminder that I’d like you to follow me and me you on twitter and now also on instagram. I aspire to get serious on both one day.
Finally, let me bid you goodbye till next month with two nerdy links:
- “Radio waves from Earth have reached dozens of stars” (oh, the possibilities)
- The United States post office issued a series of stamps in honor of NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (as seen below).
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