Links to the best of the year, one way or another, and a surprising first.
Tag: 2020
The month that had it all. Firsts in space exploration, fantastic maps of the sky, extraterrestrials.
Links and frivolity.
Last month in science: huge amounts of matter and huge amounts of energy get accounted for. Also, selfies from another world.
Tiny monthly update – articles, links, opinions and stuff.
Superconductivity, asteroids, disappointments and new hopes. Also, alien invasions, diamonds and lasers.
An overview of recent writing and a word or two on prizes.
September didn’t disappoint: even more water was found on Mars and possible signs of life were found on Venus!
What a month… from the sky to the labs. Dazzling stuff from asteroids, supergiant stars, the Higgs and other cool-sounding particles.
An overview of the Ph-word and of life in the last month.